Destination PONANT : find your ideal trip

Because we're always trying to offer you ever more immersive experiences, today, we're adding two new features to our website. You can explore our ports of call as if you were actually there, and track the positions of our ships in real time via Explore, our interactive map. Inspire, our inspiration engine, will help you find your future destination.

Explore by PONANT, the interactive map

Explore, our interactive map, allows you to track the positions of our ships in real time and to discover their current and future itineraries in detail. You'll find a wide choice of immersive content where you can explore your future destination as if you were actually there, via photos, videos and 360° tours.

Inspire by PONANT, our inspiration engine

Are you looking for inspiration? The Inspire engine guides you in a fun and original way through the ambiances that you find most attractive via a game of "Who am I?". In 7 questions, Inspire guides you in your search for the ideal cruise.