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Franck Ferrand

Franck Ferrand

An historian by training (EHESS), author of a dozen books on history – including Versailles après les rois (Perrin), L’Histoire interdite (Tallandier), François Ier, roi de chimères (Flammarion) and Dictionnaire amoureux de Versailles (Plon), and the successful saga La Cour des Dames – Franck Ferrand has emerged over the years as one of our leading “history messengers”.

For 15 years, he has hosted historic rendezvous on Europe 1, including the famous daily slot Au cœur de l’histoire. Since September 2018, we can find him on Radio Classique in Franck Ferrand raconte which in the first week became the most downloaded programme in France. After presenting some 50 editions of L’Ombre d’un doute on France 3, he now appears every week alongside Michel Drucker in Vivement dimanche. In the last 20 years, Franck Ferrand has given literally hundreds of talks on every continent.

Language spoken: French

Please note English-speaking lecturer will also be onboard.

Photo credit: Camille Meffre